Wedding photographers party all the time… Not!
This is an amazing profession. You get to know many interesting people, visit new places, travel and just keep feeding your soul by being creative. But how does the wedding photographer’s ‘kitchen’ look like every day during the week?
What are your thoughts on that? I am writing this blog post just after my last week’s close encounter with the last financial year’s tax return and all the paperwork involved.
Do we have time to party?
Look at this survey by Your Perfect Wedding Photographer. Wedding photographers spend most time (55%) editing and culling (11%) photos. This is followed by admin and communication with clients. The rest (4%) is taking pictures.
Photographers and kids
Being a wedding photographer and running a well-organized business is a proper full time job. If you also add two small kids to that (one four year and one two year old) – you are looking at two full time jobs to do and still only twenty four hours a day. And of course you have to sleep because that helps to maintain your beauty.
Photography admin
Taking pictures at weddings and meeting clients is one part of this job. Then, after that, the company housekeeping starts. Marketing, social media, the website (it usually takes about three hours to prepare a complete blog post like this one), product research, sales, finances, bookkeeping, tax returns and customer care.
Photography training
On top of that – obviously – learning, practicing, improving skills, mastering your craft and staying inspired. Oh, I almost forgot about the photo editing. Easy – and of course we also have to find the time for all the partying. Many people think wedding photographers only take pictures of happy people. This must be the easiest of jobs, right?
Is wedding photography easy?
Being a wedding photographer is great but it never is easy. You have to work out the perfect work-life balance and be prepared to sometimes feel a bit lonely. Some of your friends might just find someone else who has more time for them than you. Wedding photographers have an amazing job but there is a cost.
Why photography?
That’s why you really have to love taking and creating those beautiful images. I mean – you really have to love doing what you do.
Wedding photography prices
Wedding photography prices are so different, they are low if the photographer is new and they are higher if the photographer is good and knows his or her craft. I have written a blog post about different photography prices so keep reading if you want to find out more about that.